Would you like to learn an effortless method to stop stress and overthinking?

I'm going to give you a simple method that is helping busy professionals say goodbye to overthinking, stress, and fatigue.

This is possible even if you have a demanding job and numerous obligations

(Some of my clients were in chronic stress and where about to quit their job)

Imagine supercharging your performance, achieving professional and financial growth, and finding time for self-care.

My promise is simple:

If you follow my method and don't see results, I'll reimburse you—no questions asked.

This is because I KNOW that this method WORKS, and I strongly believe it will revolutionize your life.

Let me ask you this:

Are you in one of these situations ?

  • Stressed from your workload and responsibilities ?

  • Struggling with financial stress and obligations ?

  • Trapped in negative thinking and self-doubt ?

  • Always feeling fatigued ?

  • Caught in a never-ending spiral of overthinking ?

  • Constantly facing disruptions and not being able to focus and concentrate ?

If you nodded to one of those situations I know exactly what you’re going through because I was there.

I’m about to share an effortless solution that completely transformed my life

Hi I’m Donya Smida and for more than 15 years I was a Senior manager in Corporate, I used to be stressed and overwhelmed with my professional and personal obligations, always wanting to do the right thing and planning in advance.

But I got trapped in overthinking and believed that stress was the price of success.

I had no time for myself or 3 kids.

Despite being successful in my job, I wasn’t enjoying my life.

There were nights were I was not able to sleep because of the endless thoughts dwelling in my mind: about work, about the day I needed to organize.

Some mornings, after the alarm rung I was unable to wake up, I was unable to confront the day.

I was looking at the sealing and thinking :

“How would I find the energy to do all the things I need to do”

In my job, I had high expectations.

I was a perfectionist, wanting everything done exactly how I envisioned it.

This led me to take work home, and some weekends, I found myself working while taking care of the kids because there was just too much to do.

After having my third child, I realized I couldn’t continue living this way.

I didn't want to sacrifice my career, my family, or my mental health—I needed to find a way to handle all three, but how ?

How could I thrive professionally and personally without losing my mind ?

I tried many things to carve out time for myself while growing in my career :

I put routines in place.

I registered at the local gym and committed to going three times a week.

I managed to stick with it for a couple of weeks, but soon enough, stress crept in, and I had to abandon my fitness routine.

I also committed to thinking positively and taking regular vacations with my family

However, even on holidays, I found myself thinking about work, checking my phone, and responding to urgent emails.

I thought, there must be something I'm doing wrong; there must be something else I need to put in place to reduce my stress and overthinking.

That’s when I read,

"According to research, overthinking and stress are often driven by cognitive distortions and negative thinking patterns."

I realized that overthinking was the result of stress, and stress was the result of cognitive distortions.

Because of the environment we grow up in and the way we are raised, certain thoughts and beliefs are unconsciously embedded in our minds.

These beliefs shape our perception of the world, becoming our personal truth, regardless of whether they serve us or not.

The mind, designed as a survival mechanism, will operate based on these beliefs and our mental vision of the world.

I understood that those who are fulfilled both professionally and personally are the ones who control their thoughts and beliefs not the other way around.

Wow, what a powerful discovery !

I just need to find the perfect tool and technique to change my beliefs and make my thought work FOR me

This is why routines didn’t stick—while routines can provide structure, addressing the underlying cognitive processes is crucial for long-term relief from overthinking (Verywell Mind, Fischer Institute).

This is also why, even though I incorporated regular distractions to avoid stress, they didn't reduce it.

A study suggests that while distraction might offer temporary relief, it’s less effective under stress and may not provide long-term benefits for managing overthinking and stress (NCCIH).

I then decided to explore the most effective way to address cognitive distortions and negative thinking patterns.

That's when I discovered an effortless method that allowed me to regain control of my life.

This method addresses the unconscious behavior that drives stress and overthinking.

It rewires the limiting thoughts that have been holding me back and opens up new possibilities in life.

Hypnosis became the solution to eliminate the obstacles I had kept in my unconscious mind for years, which were provoking my stress and overthinking.

When I started applying hypnosis in my life, I saw tremendous changes in my behavior and how I reacted to stressful situations.

It reduced my stress, eliminated overthinking, and increased my performance.

I finally managed to maintain a consistent exercise routine, going to the gym three times a week for over 20 months in a row (and I’m still practicing).

I now go on vacation with my kids without the stress of my busy work overshadowing my free time.

I sleep through the night without dwelling on negative thoughts.

Although I still have a lot of responsibilities and live in a stressful world, it no longer affects me the way it used to.

I took my commitment a step further by studying hypnotherapy and becoming a hypnotist myself—all while working full-time and raising three children.

I became so passionate about it that I practiced self-hypnosis and hypnosis with friends and family. But I didn’t stop there.

I became a certified hypnotist and a Master Coach, and I now incorporate hypnotherapy into my coaching practice to help busy professionals overcome stress and overthinking.

I’ve worked with entrepreneurs and managers, and despite their different sources of stress, they all faced constraints that they were able to overcome thanks to the protocols I developed in hypnotherapy.

Now, I want to share these protocols with more people who need to reduce stress.

While traditional coaching takes time and might not be accessible for every busy professional, I’ve developed a powerful 5-pack hypnosis audio program that anyone can listen to in the comfort of their home.

This revolutionary holistic approach tackles stress through five complementary hypnosis sessions that work in synergy to stop overthinking and reduce stress.

You might ask yourself if hypnosis works? YES if DOES

Research shows that stress, fatigue, and overthinking, along with the inability to handle additional responsibilities, can be effectively managed by maintaining focus and addressing unconscious obstacles.

Hypnosis can help reprogram the subconscious mind, disrupting negative thought patterns and replacing them with positive, rational responses.

This process involves bypassing the conscious mind’s resistance to change and embedding new, healthier thought patterns that support better emotional regulation and stress management (Psychology Today).

Imagine unlocking your unconscious resistances, reducing your stress and overthinking, becoming more productive, and seizing opportunities—all without any effort or sacrificing your current responsibilities.

The error of lot of busy professional do

They OVERTHINK the mental process of this method. It’s important to let your unconscious be reprogrammed without conscious interference.

Why am I sharing this with you?

  1. Because it’s simple, and it works. I want as many busy

    professionals as possible to access this effective method at an affordable

    price. It's something that can truly make a difference in your life.

  2. Because I believe in your potential. If this approach works for you, I’m confident you’ll be inspired to learn more and continue evolving in your professional and personal growth.

  3. Because it’s my mission. My life’s mission is to ensure that every person has the tools they need to succeed.

    I’m passionate about empowering

    others to thrive, and I believe this is one way to make that happen.

WHO is this for ?

If you’re a :

  • Professional constantly under financial and career pressure

  • Individual exhausted by work-related responsibilities

  • Parent overwhelmed by stress and endless thoughts

  • Someone struggling with negative thinking and overthinking

  • And you’re yearning for :

    • More time for yourself and your family

    • True peace of mind

    • A balanced work-life harmony

    • Professional and financial growth

If this is you,

Let me welcome you to Your Path to Stop Stress and Overthinking

This is what you will get in the

“12min Stress and Overthinking relief method”

I’ve distilled the essence of what helped me transform my life and those of others.

And because you don’t have time for a long transforming process this is the solution to make quick changes.

Whether you’re a busy professional, a parent, or someone striving for a better life balance, these audios will empower you to take back control and live a life of clarity, calm, and purpose.

I’ve crafted a series of five 12 min audio recordings.

These audios are designed to be listened to sequentially, starting with audio 1 on day 1, and continuing through audio 5 by day 5.

After that, you’ll repeat the sequence, listening to each audio again, one per day, for a total of 21 days.

Listening to hypnosis for 21 days provides the sustained exposure necessary to embed these changes deeply, ensuring that the impact of the hypnosis lasts well beyond the sessions.

In just 12 minutes, rapid induction can effectively guide you into a state of heightened suggestibility, allowing for immediate engagement with the subconscious mind.

The brain begins to enter these beneficial states, which is sufficient for delivering effective hypnotic suggestions.

The brain will begin to establish new neural pathways, which over time can help in breaking old habits and adopting new, healthier ones.

See the Transformative Results Waiting for You

  • More Quality Time for Yourself and Family

  • Clarity and Focus on What Truly Matters

  • A Peaceful Mind

  • Strategic Focus on Financial and Professional Growth

  • ncreased Productivity and Motivation

Let’s dive in the details of the offer

In the first audio “Stress Reduction”

In this audio, you'll discover how to effortlessly reduce both physical and mental stress, paving the way for a calmer, more focused life.

By tapping into the power of relaxation, you'll unlock the clarity needed to manage your responsibilities with ease and confidence.

This audio is designed to help you :

  • Release the tension that weighs you down, both in your body and mind.

  • You will achieve a state of deep relaxation that not only soothes your nervous system but also sharpens your focus.

  • You'll begin to address and dissolve unconscious obstacles, leading to a profound sense of well-being and mastery over your daily challenges.

In the second audio “Stopping Overthinking”

In this audio, you'll learn how to break free from the cycle of overthinking, enhancing your mental clarity and focus.

By quieting the noise in your mind, you’ll gain the emotional balance and resilience needed to tackle daily challenges with ease.

Building on the foundation of stress reduction, this audio is designed to help you

  • Overcome the habit of overthinking that often clouds your judgment and drains your energy

  • You'll clear your mind, reduce negative thought patterns, and sharpen your focus.

  • This powerful combination will empower you to maintain emotional balance, allowing you to navigate life’s demands more effectively and with greater confidence.

In the third audio “Achieving Your Goals”

Get ready to supercharge your journey toward success.

In this audio, you’ll unlock the motivation and clarity needed to define and pursue your goals with laser focus.

With powerful strategies to overcome obstacles and maintain a positive mindset, you’ll be equipped to make steady, consistent progress toward your dreams.

This audio is your roadmap to :

  • Achieving your goals with greater efficiency and purpose

  • Boosting your motivation and sharpening your focus, you’ll learn how to clearly define your objectives and stay on track.

  • You’ll overcoming challenges, ensuring you maintain the momentum needed to turn your goals into reality.

In the fours audio “Stopping Procrastination”

Say goodbye to procrastination and hello to productivity.

In this audio, you’ll find the tools to master your time and increase your motivation to take immediate action on your tasks.

With these techniques, you’ll achieve your goals faster, with greater efficiency and focus.

This audio is designed to help you:

  • Break the cycle of procrastination by enhancing your time management skills and boosting your motivation.

  • You’ll take swift, decisive action on your tasks, leading to higher productivity and the timely achievement of your goals.

  • You’ll be empowered to move forward with clarity and purpose.

In the fifth audio “Letting Go of the Past”

It’s time to release the weight of the past and embrace the present.

In this audio, you’ll learn how to let go of lingering negative emotions and experiences, fostering emotional freedom and peace of mind.

With this newfound clarity, you’ll be ready to fully engage in the present and pursue your future goals with renewed energy.

This audio is designed to help you:

  • Release the emotional burdens of the past, allowing you to move forward with a clear mind and open heart.

  • Letting go of negative experiences, you’ll foster emotional freedom, enabling you to focus fully on the present and pursue your future goals with renewed energy and determination.

Wait !


I’ve added 3 bonuses worth $346 to make this experience even more incredible:

BONUS #1 :

A Free Strategic Session with Me

(worth 300$)

I’m here to support you in your journey to success.

As a special bonus, I’m offering a personalized strategic session where we’ll work together to gain clarity on your next steps to reduce your stress and overthinking.

This session is all about providing real value and setting you on the path to achieving your goals.

BONUS #2 :

Audio hypnosis “Deep Relaxation Audio”

(worth 39$)

Experience a profound sense of calm and tranquility with this deep relaxation audio.

You’ll reduce anxiety and cultivate a peaceful mind, allowing you to approach life’s challenges with renewed clarity and emotional balance.

This audio is designed to guide you

  • Into a state of deep relaxation, helping you achieve a profound sense of calmness that significantly reduces anxiety.

  • You’ll enhance your mental clarity and emotional stability, better equipping you to manage daily stresses and improve your overall well-being.

BONUS #3 :

E-Book: “How to Achieve Aligned Goals”

(Worth 7$)

Unlock the secret to setting goals that resonate with your true self.

This workbook is your step-by-step guide to defining and achieving goals that are fully aligned with who you want to be, what you want to have, and what you want to do.

This e-book is more than just a guide; it’s a transformative tool that will help you align your goals with your deepest desires and values.

By following the step-by-step process outlined in this workbook, you’ll gain clarity on what you truly want in life and learn how to set and achieve goals that reflect your authentic self.

At this stage you might think that this will cost a fortune, right ?

I have invested over $15,000 to learn how the brain works and how to communicate with it. I have developed scripts that speak directly to your unconscious.

My private clients pay between $1,500 and $4,000 for private coaching and achieve incredible results.

Since this offer is not private coaching, I can reduce the price and offer an accessible rate.

That’s why you won’t pay $4,000, not $1,500, not even $399.

The price of this program is $197, but for a few days, this offer and the bonuses will be




This method is scientifically proven, and I strongly believe it will revolutionize your life.

That’s why I decided to eliminate all risk on your part by offering you a full 30 days to see how much this offer will impact your life.

If after 30 days you are not satisfied, you can request a full refund by sending a simple email to [email protected].

And I’m confident it works because here is what my clients have said

This offer will expire soon!

Normal price : $197

Today only


Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I know if this program is right for me ?

This offer is for professionals who are tired of their responsibilities and stress, especially at work, with always more things to do.

They are stressed and constantly thinking. They want time for themselves, to reduce demands, and have more opportunities for professional and financial development.

Can I access these audios for life once purchased?

Yes, the audios will be sent to you, and you can download them to your phone and computer.

Can I benefit from this offer at any time?

Yes, but by joining today, you benefit from a $170 discount (86% off) on the program price (the offer will only be available for a few days).

Can I benefit from this offer at any time?

Yes, but by joining today, you benefit from a $170 discount (86% off) on the program price (the offer will only be available for a few days).

Is hypnosis safe ?

Yes, hypnosis is a safe, natural process that involves relaxation and focused attention.

It’s a well-established method for managing stress, improving habits, and achieving personal goals.

The hypnosis in this program is specifically designed to be gentle and effective for busy professionals.

Is 12 minutes really enough time for the hypnosis to be effective?

Yes, 12 minutes is sufficient to guide you into a relaxed, focused state where your subconscious mind is most receptive to positive suggestions.

The audios are designed to fit into your busy schedule while still delivering powerful results.

Short sessions, when repeated consistently over 21 days, are highly effective in creating lasting change.

Best regards

Donya Smida

This offer will expire soon!

Normal price : $197

Today only


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